The Late Show with David Letterman / Letterman - Comedian Larry Miller The Late Show with David Letterman / Letterman - Comedian Larry Miller 酒店經紀&feature=related You cannot see death lightly, how dare you allow anyone to give birth, how dare yo 室內設計u allow any nation to make gun, how dare you allow Hollywood to make any film to show any death, how dare you allow any po 東森房屋lice to carry gun, how dare you allow any nation to have military form, how dare you allow anyone to drive, how dare you can have the heart to m 辦公室出租ake fun to wear the title as Comedian to make living while all those above death happening while your sucking audience showing their sucking shamelessly fond of you. 租房子 Shame on you, you should committed suicide to shut yourself up. ------------------------------------------------------------ [Nikonov, the outspoken singer of Saint Petersburg-based pun 房屋買賣k rock band PTVP, saves much of his venom for Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin, referring to him as a "pig" in one of his most strident songs.] 網路行銷e8c7501f32de76aa596.7c1&show_article=1 You cannot even have the honest eyes to see your sucking Prime Minister Vladimir Putin has nothing to do like a "pig" no matter his physical size or his living style, or personal suck, you dare 住商房屋 shamelessly link him as "pig" to fooled your sucking stupid bad ugly evil audience, you obviously underground chained slavery terrors linked to evil Comedian Larry Millar fed by evilest USA politicians liars gangsters headed by US liar President Bill Cl 小型辦公室inton and his ass whore Hillary Clinton, you should commit suicide to shut yourself up along with that sucking Comedian Larry Millar rather sooner than later. .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! G2000  .

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